(too old to reply)
Mr Rick
2008-01-14 21:47:29 UTC
This use to be a great group until all the SPAM BS took it over. : (
2008-01-17 09:46:39 UTC
aint that the truth! there used to be u and that girl and a few otheres
that would post and put pics/videos up ALL the time! Where did you all
go and how can one guy run everybody off of this one, Is there anyway
we can fight back??????
john doe
2008-01-17 23:19:34 UTC
Hi all,

let's try to post some links or pictures again? I miss this stuff, before my
computer crash I enjoyed all posts...

I'll start here with a big one :)

p.s. this is my very very first post here, I hope everything is OK :$
Mr Rick
2008-01-18 17:45:23 UTC
It was a good group in its time, but SPAMMERS invaded it, plus poster Mr
AUM left WebTV and went to aol. At first he could post in here from his
AOL account. Then one day he couldn't and never found a way around it
again. Wendy's a awesome poster as Mr AUM was. But she told me she
needed a break from posting, and is now doing other things. I couldn't
keep the group going with the number of posts MSN took away at night, so
it became useless to try. Since MSN can't stop SPAMMERS from posting
their trash in here, you can't fight it & the group might as well close.
I have asked over the years, who is the group owner? Wendy claims she's
not, and i'm not and Mr AUM isn't. Whoever the owner is should shut it
down. As long as people continue to post in here, SPAMMERS included, it
will remain open. Its so sad to see a great group in its day sit almost

BTW WebTV can't get WMP. That feature was taken from us years ago.

2008-01-19 02:49:19 UTC
Post by Mr Rick
It was a good group in its time, but SPAMMERS invaded it, plus poster Mr
AUM left WebTV and went to aol. At first he could post in here from his
AOL account. Then one day he couldn't and never found a way around it
again. Wendy's a awesome poster as Mr AUM was. But she told me she
needed a break from posting, and is now doing other things. I couldn't
keep the group going with the number of posts MSN took away at night, so
it became useless to try. Since MSN can't stop SPAMMERS from posting
their trash in here, you can't fight it & the group might as well close.
I have asked over the years, who is the group owner?
This newsgroup is a part of USENET, there is no owner.

Wendy claims she's
Post by Mr Rick
not, and i'm not and Mr AUM isn't. Whoever the owner is should shut it
down. As long as people continue to post in here, SPAMMERS included, it
will remain open. Its so sad to see a great group in its day sit almost
BTW WebTV can't get WMP. That feature was taken from us years ago.
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